Light Is For Everyone...

Gracie Rock, May 2011

The Rotary Club of Huntsville, Texas Helps Save Lives In Belize

Gracie Rock is a small scenic village located on the banks of the Sibun River near the Pecarry Hills of Belize; its inhabitants have traditionally hunted and lived off the land. Currently, the village uses harmful kerosene for lighting. The use of kerosene for home lighting results in over 1 million deaths every year, countless burn injuries, respiratory illnesses, asphyxia, and visual impairment.

The Rotary Club of Huntsville graciously sponsored this village and through their generosity, The Grid Earth Project was able to provide solar powered lighting for every home. This will decrease deaths and injuries, and improve the quality of life of those previously dependent upon kerosene lamps.

Grid Earth Project is a US based Charity that provides safe solar powered household lamps to underdeveloped villages at no cost. Solar powered lighting helps provide a safer environment, decrease burns and suffocations, and provides educational opportunities for children. Studying and reading at night is very difficult by kerosene. It only provides 1/30th the amount of light recommended for reading. The solar powered lamps Grid Earth provides will sufficiently light up a 10' x 10' room.

Rotarians strive for the advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service. International Service Projects are designed to meet the humanitarian needs of people in many lands, with particular emphasis on the most underprivileged children and families in developing countries.

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