Light Is For Everyone...

San Mateo, March 2011

Grid Earth Project Brings a Light of Hope to the People in San Mateo.

"You have no idea how much having light will make a difference in my children's lives." - Shirley

The Grid Earth Project donated solar powered household lamps to some of the residents of San Mateo Village. Grid Earth plans to go back later this year to help more residents with safe lighting. Grid Earth's effort to provide safe, solar powered household lighting is bringing hope to some of the residents in San Mateo Village. One woman shares her story about her children who are now able to do their homework at night.

Shirley, pictured above with her children, went from house to house attempting to borrow a candle so her children could do their homework. Unfortunately, residents in San Mateo were not able to help her. Her children were forced to go to school the next day and explain to their teacher that they were unable to complete their homework.

Why? There was no light.

The Grid Earth Project believes this should never be allowed to happen. In this world we live in, something as small as a candle is preventing a child's education. This was an eye-opening experience for the Grid Earth Project volunteers, and they will continue to raise funds to bring more safe and effective solar lighting to the people and their children.

In a village like San Mateo, most residents have little choice about their future. Those able to study and learn have some hope of pulling themselves out of their current position.

The Grid Earth Project is dedicated to providing this assistance when possible. Light provides hope and prosperity to the residents of San Mateo.

You can support Grid Earth with a donation to help fund more safe lighting projects.

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